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Quantified Facial Soft Tissue Strain in Animation Measured by Real-Time Dynamic Three-Dimensional Imaging
Vivian M. Hsu, MD, Ari M. Wes, BA, Joshua Cornman-Homonoff, BS, Ivona Percec, MD,PhD.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to evaluate and quantify dynamic soft tissue strain in the human face using real-time three-dimensional imaging technology.
METHODS: Thirteen subjects (8 women, 5 men) between the ages of 18-70 were imaged using a dual camera system and three-dimensional optical analysis (ARAMIS, Trilion Quality Systems). Each subject was imaged at rest and with the following facial expressions: 1) smile, 2) laughter, 3) surprise, 4) anger, 5) grimace, and 6) pursed lips. The facial strains defining stretch and compression were computed for each subject and compared.
RESULTS: The areas of greatest strain were localized to the midface and lower face for all expressions. Subjects over the age of 40 had a statistically significant increase in stretch in the perioral region while lip-pursing (Figure 1) compared to subjects under the age of 40 (Figure 2) (58.4% vs. 33.8%, p = 0.015). When specific components of lip-pursing were analyzed, there was a significantly greater degree of stretch in the nasolabial fold region in subjects over 40 compared to those under 40 (61.6% vs. 32.9%, p = 0.007). Furthermore, we observed a greater degree of asymmetry of strain in the nasolabial fold region in the older age group (18.4% vs. 5.4%, p = 0.03).
CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study illustrates that the face can be objectively and quantitatively evaluated using dynamic principle strain analysis. The technology of three-dimensional optical imaging can be used to advance our understanding of facial soft tissue dynamics and the effects of animation on facial strain over time. In the future, we plan to further use this technology to individualize our treatments for facial rejuvenation and reconstruction.

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